
Good Morning Greetings

Good Morning Greetings

Good Morning Greetings

Hv U ever watched sunlight passing through raindrops?
It's just like my sweet msgs passing thru ur cell, 
making it colorful like a RAINBOW. Hv Good Day!............good day quotes

If we didn't have Problems, we would never learn Strength;
If we didn't have Struggles, we would never learn Resilience;
If we didn't have Delays, we would never learn Patience;
If we didn't have Hopelessness, we would never learn Faith;
If we didn't have suffering, we would never learn Compassion!
Good day!

Good Morning Greetings

Listen in such a way that people feel compelled to 'Speak' to you.
Speak in such a way that people feel compelled to 'Listen' to You.
Good day!

Don't let your ears witness what your eyes didn't see.
Don't let your mouth speak what your heart doesn't feel.
Always live an honest and truthful life.
Good morning!.........................greetings messages

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