
Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

we met by chance and turned into friends
now our destiny keeps us close to each other
making our friendship grow more with passing time...

Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

friendship is a rainbow between,
two hearts, sharing seven feelings:
1-love, 2-happiness,3-truth,4-faith
5-secret,6-trust,7- sadness

Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

for a special friend
i never knew what wonders a friend can do..
yes, surely they can change things around
you into smiles, sunshine and happiness.
just the way you keep on doing always. thanks !!

Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

Best moments with best buddies on special friendship day

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