
Best Diwali Wishes 2017

Best Diwali Wishes 2017

The exact origin of the festival is not known. Some believe that it is connected with the triumph of Lord Krishna over Nakrasura. Some associate the origin of the festival to the worship of goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth snd msny says that the ritual of lights is done in order to rememberance of the welcoming of Lord Ram after 14 years exile. The entire public of Aayodhya welcomed Shri Ram by the lightening of Diyas. You can also make happy to your all loved one by sending our these Diwali Wishes 2017 to them.

Best Diwali Wishes 2017

 However, the most prevalent belief is that the festival marks the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana. On this day, it is believed that Rama came back to Ayodhya after his victory over evil Ravana of Lanka who had taken away his wife, Sita illegally in absense of Lord Ram during their 14 years exile. This is one of the greatest festival in India of all times and everyone enjoy this eve very much. We have prepared a list of Happy Diwali 2017 Wishes for you which you can send to your friends and family members.

People greatly rejoiced the return of their beloved prince. They lighted up whole Ayodhya with earthen lamps, decorated their houses and welcomed them with pomp and ceremony. The present day celebration of Diwali is held in remembrance of this event which is well described in the holy book Ramayana which is written by Valmiki and Tulsidas. 2017 Diwali Wishes to send to your friends is available on this page.

Best Diwali Wishes 2017

Diwali is generally celebrated in late October or early November, soon after the rainy season is over. A lot of preparation goes in before the actual festival. People clean their house fully and white wash are done by the people and everyone clean their houses very well as it is expected that goddess Laxmi enters only in those doors which are healthy and clean. Our main motive in this article is to provide you the top Happy Diwali 2017 Wishes.

Thereafter, in the evening earthen lamps and decorative lights are put in and around the house giving an atmosphere of joy and happiness. As the night approaches, children light up the sky with their firecrackers. The streets and bazaars bear a dazzling look. All th shops in the market are full of lights and there is lot of rush in the market on this festival. The market is full of different colors of Rangoli. Everyone give a good Diwali Wish to everybody else.

Best Diwali Wishes 2017

Illumination of every hue and colour light up shops and buildings. Thus, there is gaiety, cheerfulness, merrymaking and fun everywhere. There is joy on every face. On this day every one put on their best dress which has been purchased well in advance. People exchange greetings and share sweets and meals as a mark of friendship and brotherhood.

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