

Houston maritime attorney for injury is proud to help injured maritime workers seek compensation. Every occupation has its risks, and the maritime industry is no different. In fact, seamen participate in one of the most hazardous industries in existence.

Seamen are at risk for work-related injuries whenever they are on the boat. The courts recognize this. Moreover, our Houston personal injury law firm works continuously to fight for injured seamen.

Houston Maritime Attorney allows injured maritime workers the opportunity to claim necessary compensation for any suffering of work-related complications. Moreover, these laws are the basis for all injuries that seamen sustain.

When you sustain an injury at sea, it is vital to work with a Houston maritime attorney with a
comprehensive understanding of these laws. If you have been injured in the maritime industry, contact
injury attorneys and let them fight for you.

Houston maritime attorney


Houston maritime Attorney for injury is helping injured dockworkers and seamen attain the compensation they require to recover at their personal injury law firm. Typically, serious injuries lead to expensive medical treatments. Above all, these injuries can have a long-term impact on your life, mentally, emotionally, and financially.

This can include an array of accidents that occur on “navigable waters,” including rivers, bays, oceans, harbors, and docks. Our Houston maritime attorney for injury is understood maritime law. They also know the best practices and culture of the maritime industry.



As you can see, Maritime laws are complex. Let them to help you understand the legal concepts and walk you through the process to get all the compensation you deserve. This could be what gets you paid for the time you missed and able to pay the medical bills that continue to pour in.

Working with a lawyer without maritime can mean leaving money on the table. But at Law Firm, the Houston maritime accident lawyers have extensive experience in this field and do not let their clients be short-changed.


Maritime Law and Maritime Injury Cases

Admiralty law exists to help injured seamen recover from injuries sustained during work. Without these laws, injured seamen would be forced to act independently to counteract any suffering sustained at work. Whenever a maritime worker becomes sick or injured, the owner of the vessel must reimburse their losses. Maritime attorneys refer to this as “maintenance and cure.”

Essentially, this means that the employer must provide for the affliction until the worker recovers fully. Courts view this obligation as a duty that the owner owes any worker aboard their vessel.

Moreover, seamen are eligible to recover full wages for the length of the voyage during which they sustained the illness or injury. Oftentimes, their employment contract dictates the number of unearned wages they are eligible to receive.


Houston maritime attorney


A unique set of laws applies to maritime injuries. Several laws might apply in a maritime claim that do not apply to accidents on land. Sometimes referred to as admiralty laws, they are designed to protect specific situations and employees. For example, someone injured while a crew member on a ship files a different lawsuit than someone hurt in a car crash.

The main difference is the damages you’re able to recover under maritime law. Additionally, some injuries that occur dockside, like while unloading containerships at Port Houston may fall under maritime law.



Commercial maritime work is dangerous. Occasionally the negligence or wrongful act of an employer or co-worker can result in a worker’s death. Under the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), if a loved one working on a commercial vessel died at least three nautical miles from a U.S. shoreline, the spouse, parent, child or another dependent relative may recover fair compensation for lost wages, funeral expenses, and costs for counseling.

For a claim to be successful, a Houston maritime attorney must prove negligence on the part of the shipowner or a fellow worker. Even if the decedent may have contributed to his or her own loss of life, some compensation may still be warranted.

When in need of a knowledgeable and experienced maritime injury lawyer, Houston residents know they can trust Houston Law Firms to provide reliable, strategic representation.

Houston maritime attorney



·         Help you complete the accident report for your employer.

·         Determine whether you are a seaman under The Jones Act.

·         Confirm the status of the vessel at the time of the injury.

·         Gather evidence about its seaworthiness.

·         Investigate the crewmembers and their training.

·         Assess the cause of your accident and injuries.

·         Review any paperwork from your employer, including any waivers or offers.

·         Analyse your right to file a legal claim.

·         Determine how long you have to file a lawsuit.

·         File a lawsuit against a negligent employer.

  • Negotiate an appropriate settlement or prepare for trial.

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