This article is about to connect in that if you cannot love yourself first then you cannot live in your power if you don’t first acknowledge your greatness and value.
We are all here right now for at least three reasons.
First, souls come to Earth to experience things we can only experience in physical form which usually leads us to the lessons we need to learn in order to grow spiritually.
Second, whenever a soul enters a body and lives a lifetime on Earth, there is a purpose involved that benefits others. It’s part of the deal. Some of us are aware of our purpose, some are going crazy trying to pin it down, some complete it without ever knowing during their lifetime, and others figure it out along the way, always when they are supposed to, and go to work on accomplishing it.
All of these paths are right, depending on the person. There’s no need to worry you’ll fail, as that’s impossible. You planned your life so that it would lead to where you needed to go.
Even if something happened to prevent you from accomplishing your purpose, you would simply carry it over to the next lifetime. There is no judgment except self-judgment, which is unnecessary and senseless.
Lastly, we all volunteered to be here at this time to help the Earth and the collective people to ascend to higher dimensions. How do we do that? The first step is always to love yourself. We’re here to be of service, but we can’t serve a greater purpose until we first know ourselves, deeply and clearly.
If you don’t value yourself, it’s nearly impossible to value others. You might envy others, you might be jealous of others, or you might fall into the trap of victimhood, but all of these things add up to being stuck, and you can’t move further until you address the problem, which leads back to a lack of self-awareness.
We judge others as we judge ourselves. If you cheat and lie, you assume others will, too. If you are loving and honest, you assume others are, as well. That doesn’t mean our judgments are correct, it’s just how we perceive things. We have a responsibility to help others, but how can we help others if we cannot even help ourselves?
If you don’t feel love for yourself, it will take time, effort, strength, power, and will to change that. Start now! Before you can change yourself, you have to know yourself.
Take some quiet time to really take an internal inventory. What are your strengths and weaknesses? If you can’t think of anything in one or both categories, you have some work to do.
Everyone has gifts. What are yours? You have many. They don’t have to be concrete — something you can see, hold, hear, etc. — they might be abstract, like being a good listener, observer, problem solver, nurturer. Chances are very good that your life’s purposes involve some of those gifts.
Do you feel important, valuable and powerful? You should! If you don’t, again, you have some work to do. The Archangels I channel, with all of their gifts and powers, cannot move the Earth and her people into higher dimensions and consciousness without our help.
They can and do assist, but the actual changes to accomplish this must come from those of us living on Earth. They can’t do it without us, and they’d be the first to tell you that.
The future rests in our hands. It’s never been easier to believe, accept, and act on that responsibility than now. More and more people are awakening to see changes that must be made, and they can and want to be part of that.
I get so many comments and emails from people who are waking up to new possibilities and have begun their own spiritual journeys. Here’s what we have to remember, folks. We are divine creations. That makes us divine beings made by God. That makes us valuable, worthy, and powerful.
When the Angels first told me that I was considered their equal (all of us are), I could barely say it, much less believe it. I feel equal to everyone on Earth, but equal to the Archangels?
It was so hard for me to grasp, much less feel that way. Over time, their messages were so full of love and encouragement, and perhaps even more importantly, appreciation and gratitude, I’ve come to accept them.
They are sincere when they say we are more important, more valuable, and certainly more worthy and powerful than we are aware. Every. Single. One of us. Do you think the Archangels would lie about that? I don’t think they lie about anything.
Ask them for help. Spend time with yourself and remind yourself of everything the Archangels have said. Repeat it, practice it, and eventually, you’ll accept and believe it. Ask for the Love and Light energies they give to us upon request. Remind yourself where you come from and who created you. Celebrate yourself!
I’m able to channel other high guides in addition to the Archangels, and the sources of these messages can get confusing, so I’ll identify the following message from the guides as coming from Spirit because we’re all connected. Below is the message I channeled for this article.
Few people ever realize how important and valued they are while living on Earth. Self-love is different from narcissism. Narcissists love themselves above all else and think they are above others, feeling entitled to self-indulgence and believing they are above the rules and laws that govern others.
The healthy kind of self-love integrates love for self with love for others, knowing you’re all connected. Loving yourself in a healthy way is understanding and feeling compassion for others. You must forgive yourself and love yourself before you forgive and love others; otherwise you won’t understand the significance and importance of it, much less recognize it when it happens.
To love yourself is to love the Creator, as you celebrate His divine design for us. There is no need to worry that the line between self-love and humility will become blurred. This will not happen when you acknowledge that you are His creation and are grateful for the blessings you enjoy.
When you love yourself, you believe in your worth, regardless of the way others treat you, so their barbs find no purchase when issued. They cannot affect or control you, because you know your worth and value yourself.
Loving yourself means you know your strengths and weaknesses, your limits and your potential for greatness. You want to use your power to help others because you feel connected to everyone and everything, and you show your gratitude to the Creator by using your gifts in a positive way that helps others as well as yourself.
Loving yourself is knowing yourself and standing within your power, in control of your emotions and actions, not judging others and trying to control them. It is choosing love to guide you in all things.
Loving yourself is loving the One who created you.
Final Thoughts
If there are things you don’t like about yourself, fix or change them. You’re the only one who can do that. Who are you now, and who do you want to be in the future?
What do you want to create with your life? If changes are needed, make sure they are changes you want, rather than what someone else or society dictates.
I’m not talking about wanting to be rich in the future or famous or out of debt. Those are all external things. I’m talking about internal factors. Who are you, and what are you capable of doing?
What do you need to do in order to have peace of mind? What needs to change in order for you to feel good about yourself, to love yourself? A spiritual journey goes hand in hand with the journey for self-discovery and self-appreciation. May you enjoy your travels!
Many blessings to you all.
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